Section 6: Final Thoughts

We believe the simple examples given in this guide represent just the beginning of how XPHP can help developers perform common tasks without having to adopt bloated or complicated templating packages, and leave room for flexibility and sanity-checking of the role templating and content management in general should play in the front-end portion of web applications.

Using XPHP can help developers quickly deploy dynamic content with a host of features, implemented without the sacrifice of simplicity, or with the requirement of a steep learning curve. We have demonstrated XPHP's handling of automatic and manual parsing, templating, variable casting, function and object method calls. As well as support for file includes, raw content generation, and XSLT transformations. We've shown how easy it is to implement user-defined XPHP tags and tag types, and make use of conditionals, caching, evaulation, nesting, and pushing static content.
We believe the XML-based XPHP syntax is as simple and efficient as it could possibly be, and that translates to swift buildouts of even the most complex web sites.

We value user feedback, and wish to know how you've made XPHP work for your projects regardless of the scale and application. Please use the address below to share your thoughts with us.

Contact Us

For information about XPHP, please email Alexander Romanovich (

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